Individuals who live within the Health Centre area may register with the practice. Our practice area covers addresses registered in BT1 to BT12 and BT17. If you live outside our area or have moved outside the area we cover you should register with a doctor in your new area.
If you were born in the UK
Patients should bring with them a current Medical Card or, if unavailable, complete form HS200. Form HS200 (UK Registration Form) can be obtained from the Health Centre. Once you have completed this form you need to return it to the University Health Centre to complete your registration. We also require photographic ID and proof of address.
If you were born outside the UK
Please complete form HSCR1 which can be obtained from the Health Centre. Documentation is also required examples are highlighted on HSCR1 form.
A full range of NHS services is available within the Health Centre, including health screening, ante/postnatal care and child health surveillance, Sports Injury Clinic, In House Councilling Services, Travel Clinic.
We accept registrations on Tuesday to Friday 10am to 3pm.
Please note we are closed between 12.30 to 1.30pm each day.
You are welcome to collect registration form on a Monday but we do not accept any forms on a Monday.
When you register you will also be asked to fill out a medical questionnaire. This is because it can take a considerable time for us to receive your medical records. When you come to the surgery you will be asked to fill this form out and complete a registration form (HSCR1 or HS200) depending where you are from.
Form HSCR1
In order to obtain a medical card you need to fill in an application form, which is called HSCR1. This form is available in English and in a range of other languages. Please click on the respective links below to download the form in English and/or in translation.
Content courtesy of the Business Services Organisation, N.Ireland